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Christian Aslund


Christian Aslund is a Swedish photographer commissioned to take a series of photographs depicting Hong Kong streets as a 2D platforming game. To do this, Aslund used cameras looking down on the street from above, in locations with the appropriate scenery to represent a game. The model lays on his side on the street, his feet on a wall, so when viewed from above he resembles a video game character navigating a platformer level. Aslund’s photos are deserving of extra mention due to their complete lack of discernible editing. They use real locations and maintain their grounded feel, with an absence of surreal or virtual elements. As such, these photos could represent the relationship games have with the games they play, and how they alter gamers’ perceptions of the world around them. This being said, locations have been deliberately chosen to inject a small splash of game-like colour through street markings etc.

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