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AS Photography
Jude White
Red Orchestra 2: War Photography
Following my research on war photography, I produced the following photographs within the psuedo-simulation game Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad, after which I edited them significantly in photoshop. I captured the images by first recording segments of the game using the Spectator function, then freezing the recording and capturing stills of the action taking place. I tried to put myself in the shoes of a war photographer, usually attempting a fair distance between the virtual lens and the danger of the battle, and capturing opportune moments as events unfolded around me. I even 'hid' beihnd walls while taking certain shots, to increase the authenticity of the danger in the images. A point of note about these virtual photos is that I largely elected to ignore the rule of thirds, to give the images a feel of chaos and spontaneity as opposed to a long, draw-out, well-planned shot.

Russian infantrymen storm across open ground.

A German soldier falls back to the relative safety of a wrecked tank as the enemy advances through a smokescreen.

A German infantryman takes shelter in an apartment building. Outside, his squad lay dead in the snow.

Russian infantrymen storm across open ground.
Page Music
Red Orchestra 2: Official Soundtrack
Steady We Must Stand
Sam Hulick
Original Images

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