Jude White
AS Level Media Studies
Clothing/Iconography Planning
In choosing clothing and make-up for my model, I needed to look at how similar artists are presented. I decided to mainly focus on Amy Lee from Evanescence, as she served as the closest artist in general aesthetic and genre to my fictional band, 'Queen Anne's Revenge.' However, I also briefly looked at Hayley Williams of Paramore, who has become iconic for the bright orange of her hair. My initial research into gender representation in such magazines can be found on my 'Women in Rock' page.
Make-up: Heavy, pale.
Eyeliner: Thick, black.
Lipstick: Dark red, gothic.
Hair: Jet Black, straightened.
Clothing: Very dark, gothic.
Accessories: None visible.
Make-up: Heavy, pale.
Eyeliner: Thick, black.
Lipstick: Pink, more casual (due to the nature of this article).
Hair: Jet Black, not straightened.
Clothing: Fairly dark, gothic. Simple, casual.
Accessories: Gothic necklace.
In the image below, this hair is the anchor point for the entire house style of the page, and in fact the only brightly-coloured area of the photograph itself, drawing attention to it.
Make-up: Heavy, pale.
Eyeliner: Thick, black.
Lipstick: Dark red, gothic.
Hair: Bright orange, straightened. Enhanced.
Clothing: Jet black, mildly gothic.
Accessories: None.
Make-up: I will use heavy, gothic, pale make-up, simialr to Hayley Williams and Amy Lee, to connote the dark type of music Queen Anne's Revenge will supposedly produce.
Eyeliner: I will use thick, black eyeliner, to continue the gothic theme. This is seen in all of the above images. I will also re-colour the model's eyes to play up the gothic imagery, as this relates to monsters and vampires. This links to my headline 'The Dawn of a Devil.'
Lipstick: I will used dark red, gothic lipstick for my model, as this is the most gothic colour I can choose, connotative of blood. Red also looks nice with black and white, so the pale make-up and gothic clothes will be well-complemented by red lipstick.
Hair: In order to capture some of the iconic, vibrant feel of Hayley Williams' hair, without losing the band's gothic feel, I will photoshop half of my model's hair to appear red, leaving the other half brown so as not to lose the dark aesthetic of the image.
Clothing: The clothing used in the images above is gothic but simple. A Black T-Shirt with bleeding roses on the front, combined with black skinny jeans, will not only have a casual gothic feel, but also continue the colour-scheme I have chosen.
Accessories: My model will wear a gothic cross necklace, and rose earrings. The earrings link directly to the shirt, and this matching iconography makes the outfit feel coherent. The cross is simply a piece of easily-identifiable gothic imagery, to aid in the ability of readers to tell the style of music Queen Anne's Revenge produce.
Final Decisions
Upon examining the above images, I identified several elements I can use to fit the type of band I am looking to represent.
Make-up: Heavy, skin tone.
Eyeliner: Medium, black.
Lipstick: Pink, vibrant.
Hair: Bright orange, staightened.
Clothing: Fairly dark, casual, simple.
Accessories: Earring (Left)
Amy Lee's pale make-up and red lipstick is to an extent connotative of vampires, which relates to gothic imagery.
A rough mock-up of my final photograph.