Jude White
AS Level Media Studies
DPS Photo Planning
Given that DPS photographs are generally less constrained by conventions, and can change to be relevant to the article itself, I decided to do some location scouting in order to find the perfect place to take my photo.
At first, I scouted gothic locations, such as two local churchyards, because of the overall gothic theme of the band I had created. However, my article was more personally focused, and as such a heavily staged photograph would not be appropriate, working contrary to the feeling of an intimate interview. As such, I decided that I would locate a music studio in which to photograph my model. I soon found one at my local youth club, complete with drumkit, which would serve as a nice background feature, reminding the reader that this was the artist's place of work, a fairly intimate setting in which to be photographed. This would fit with the overall tone of the interview.