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Production Company Name

In order to determine what to name our own production company, we needed to do some research into existing production companies to determine the kinds of names they used. One thing we found was that many production company names used words that connoted size and grandeur, as well as power. Some examples are as follows:


Paramount connotes something that is above average or above the rest. They use an animated logo of stars flying over a mountain in front of almost all of their films, a logo which has become iconic in the industry. 


This name is significant for multiple reasons. Firstly, the universe encompasses everything; a name cannot get much more grandiose than this. On top of this, being 'universal' suggests the company is diverse, and that their work is everywhere. This suggests that they are very influential in the industry. 


This is a simple title, but one typical of prodcution companies. The word 'legendary' makes the studio seem just that. The names of production companies seem to have little deeper meaning beyond making the studio sound powerful and important.

However, not all titles follow this idea of powerful, grandiose imagery. Some examples of other interesting names are below.

Bad Robot

This studio, owned by JJ Abrams, is according to Abrams simply named after a random idea that came to him in a production meeting. It seems to have no deeper meaning. 

Color Force

Color force is a studio known for producing films adapted from novels, their most notable work being the Hunger Games series. The use of 'force' in the name does to a degree tie it in with the names above, and the name could be seen to comment on the power of film. 

With the exception of the bottom two examples, prodcution company names seem to commonly feature only one word, usually a word connotative of grandeur or power. The use of only one word helps to make the name memorable and snappy; even for audiences, a well-known production company can enourage a level of trust in a new release. I will attempt to follow similar conventions with my own name, although I may experiment a little as the bottom two examples did. Color Force in particular relates itself directly to film; it could be interpreted that the 'colour force' is film itself. 

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