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Target Audience

In order to ascertain who our target audience was for this project, we put out the following survey, the results of which can be seen summarised in the videos on the right hand side of the screen. 

Target Audience

Video (Jack Spencely)



1) How old are you

-Under 18

-18 to 25

-25 to 35



2) How frequently do you watch horror films from the options?







3) Do you prefer classic horror films or new releases? 


4) Do you prefer psychological horror, jumpscares or gore? 


5) Do you prefer to watch trailers or enter a cinema blind?


6) What kind of places do you go to shop for clothing? 


7) Can you name some of your favourite brands of clothes? 


8) Do you read film magazines? If so, which ones?


9a) How often do you watch films in general on a scale of 1 - 5?


9b) How often to you watch TV on a scale of 1 - 5?


9c) How often do you play videogames on a scale of 1 - 5?


9d) How often do you use social media on a scale of 1 - 5?


10) Do you prefer to stream films (On services like Netflix) or purchase DVDs?

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