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Question 3: What have you learned from your audience feedback?

Editing and sidenotes by Jack Spencely

The feedback we recieved for our three final pieces was overall extremely positive. This was in part due to all the other feedback we recieved throughout the course, such as the responses to the trailer and some of the feedback given to the poster and also due to our own research. The original feedback video can be found here:
















We decided to show all three parts of our project to some peers to see what they thought of it overall. The response was overall positive with people commenting on each one seperately and then all at once. The trailer was good and recieved several positive comments directed towards the mise en scene and sound, stating that it suited the genre and the elements we had added to the tense horror atmosphere. The editing was also said to be positive and was told that the pacing suited the music and increased the tension as the trailer went on. There were a few negative comments usually directed towards the continuity issue of the actors appearance which changed. However this was a factor out of our control but we could have prevented it by getting the footage sooner.


The poster was the most popular of the three pieces. The feedback said that it suited the trailer and the website with its dull colour scheme and allowed links to be drawn between the three. The Jack in the Box was more saturated and brighter drawing colour to him and this proved to be one of the most popular points of the whole piece. The use of the quotes and tagline on the poster made it seem more professional and the billing block added to this. The links to the facebook and twitter pages were also appreciated.


The website also obtained several pieces of positive feedback, because of its overall professional look, and consistent house style throughout and also due to its numerous links to downloads, the social media pages and to the showcase website to book tickets. However it was pointed out that the links didn't work and if we had more time we would be able to make them in more detail and make them actual downloads. The Behind the Scenes video was also popular as it contained several humerous moments but also gave people an insight into what we had done to achieve our goals. This was often peoples favourite part of the site. 

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